For Immediate Release
Contact: Michael Oshman
April 14, 2003
Green Restaurant Association Ph.(310)314-2683

First Certified Green Restaurant™
in Los Angeles Opens its Doors


Cafe Carolina is first restaurant in L.A. to earn America's only nationwide environmental certification for restaurants


    Encino, CA On April 15, Cafe Carolina will have completed its initial stage of environmental changes, when it opens for business as a Certified Green Restaurant™. Cafe Carolina has spent the past four months working with the Green Restaurant Association to source the most environmentally responsible cleaners, paper, take-out containers, equipment, lighting and more. Restaurants are the #1 consumer of electricity in the retail business sector, and Cafe Carolina is doing its part to help this industry become more energy efficient. Cafe Carolina has already made the following operational steps;

1. Recycling: Cardboard, Paper, Metal, Glass, Plastic

2. Take-Out Containers: Biodegradable & Chlorine-Free

3. Polystyrene Foam-Free

4. Food & Drink: Organic options

5. Energy & Water Efficiency: Dish Machine

6. Paper towels: Recycled & Chlorine-Free

7. Energy & Water Efficiency: Dish Station

8. Cleaners: Non-Toxic & Biodegradable

9. Bags: Recycled & Chlorine-Free

10. Bath Tissue: Recycled & Chlorine-Free

11. Cups: Non-Bleached Paper

12. Napkins: Recycled & Chlorine-Free


Cafe Carolina joins many other Certified Green Restaurants around the U.S. which are all recycling, of polystyrene foam, and are committed to accomplishing four environmental steps per year An average restaurant can reduce its 50,000-pound annual garbage output by 50%, and can save up to 20% on its energy usage.

Green Restaurant Association

The GRA, founded in 1990, is committed to helping the food service industry improve its environmental practices in a profitable manner. The GRA helps restaurants proceed through 11 Environmental Guidelines, including recycling, energy efficiency, and toxins reductions.

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